Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Cracking Hacker's Secret: Fundamentals Part 1

Good Day readers! Its always been a long time before I post new one, I'm sorry for that. I'm just quite busy preparing for this coming seasons. By the way, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We have more 3 days to prepare :) and post new topic before these seasons!

Cracking Hacker's Secret is the topic of our seminar for us IT in PUP-QC. It was discussed by JayConrad S. Ongjoco, an Information Security Consultant of Hewlett Packard (a.k.a. HP).

I will just simplify some of the discussed topic. And we will define first:

Hacker - computer user who works to understand the ins and outs of computers, networks, and the Internet. "Cracker" is also a Hacker. I think they just change its name for good, but still it is not good!

There are (4) types of Hackers

Social Engineer - they are the ones who are called keyloggers.
White Hats - finds a fault in a security system. *
Grey Hats - finds a fault he will do feels like at a time. *
Black Hats - find a fault will immediatly exploit the site for there own benefitial gain. *


Different Types of Hacking

Social Engineering - explained above
Password Hacking - *Social Engineering
Spamming - commonly to those who have active email addresses
Phishing - they usually use fake Websites.

Different 'headaches' and 'computer sickness' that you can get

Virus - make your files / folders an application (.exe). Exploit when clicked.
Trojan Horse - usually gets in .torrent downloadable files.
Worm - copy you folders but not the files inside. Exploit even if not clicked.
Spyware - usually gets in internet.
Adware - usually gets in some Advertisements that have infected encrypted files.

Note: .exe files are cryptic files. There are some codes inside that are infected.
The Hacker Toolbox Part 2 to be posted.

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